Ladybug på bloggen Flukten fra virkeligheten har hver søndag en utfordring kalt “En smakebit på søndag”. I denne utfordringen skal en åpne boken en leser og finne et par setninger en kan dele uten å røpe for mye av handlingen. Videre legger en igjen en link til bloggen sin i inLinkz på Ladybugs blogg.
Jeg leser nå Don’t panic: Douglas Adams & The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy av Neil Gaiman. Det er en biografi om Douglas Adams og historien til HGG i samme bok. Du kan tenke deg hvor glad jeg ble da jeg fant at en av mine yndlingsforfattere hadde skrevet en bok om en annen av mine yndlingsforfattere. Den måtte jeg jo bare lese!
Smakebiten denne gangen er veldig lang. Den er en historie Douglas Adams skrev da han var 11 år og som ble trykket i et barneblad 27. februar 1965:
«London Transport Lost Property Office – this is» said Mr Smith, looking in at the window. As he went in, he triped over the little step and almost chrased through the glas door.»
«That could be dangerous – I must remember it when I go out» he muttered.
«Can I help you?» asked the lost-property officer.
«Yes, I lost something on the 86 bus yesterday».
«Well, what was it you lost» asked the officer.
«I’m afraid I can’t remember» said Mr Smith.
«Well, I cant help you, then» said the exaspirated officer.
«Was anything found on the bus?» asked Mr Smith
«I’m afraid not, but can you remember anything abouth this thing?» said the officer desperately trying to be helpful.
«Yes, I can remember that it was a very bad – wathever-it-was».
«Anything else?»
«Ah, yes now I come to think of it, it was something like a sieve» said Mr Smith, and he put his elbow on the highly-polished counter and rested his chin on his hands.
Suddenly, his chin met the counter with a resounding crack. But before the officer could assist him up, Mr Smith jumped triumphantly into the air.
«Thank you very much» he said.
«What for?» said the officer.
«I found it» said Mr Smith.
«Found what?»
«My memory!» said Mr Smith and he turned round, tripped over the step and smashed through the glas door.